LCPP is collaborating on national and international scientific and educational level within several organizations. LCPP is a member of:
• EPNOE – European Network of Excellence for polysaccharide, 
• POLIMAT – Centre of Excellence Polymer Materials and Technologies, 
• AUTEX – Association of Universities for Textile, 
• EURATEX – European Technology Platform for the Future of Textiles and Clothing, etc. Our team is active in common regional research activities among neighbouring Universities of the Styria region: 
• University of Technology Graz 
• Karl Franzens University of Graz 
• Montanuniversität Leoben on the field of Functional Polysaccharide Materials development. Since this research is highly interdisciplinary, most of the activities in this field are performed in close cooperation with our national and international partners.

Laboratory for Characterization and Processing of Polymers (LCPP) is active within the Institute of Engineering Materials and Design at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maribor. Within the Institute, six well equipped laboratories enable research activities in a wide variety of newly developing sciences and technologies. The Institutes` interdisciplinary research teams are involved or coordinate numerous international and national research projects and industrial R&D activities. Our full professors, associate and assistant professors, PhD and post-doctoral students as well as technicians are active within the LCPP.