Exploring Innovations in Packaging: A Visit to Graz University of Technology and Mondi Facilities
In a groundbreaking event, students and professionals alike were treated to an insightful journey into the world of packaging at Graz University of Technology Campus Inffeld and Mondi AG facilities. The collaborative effort showcased cutting-edge research and developments in the packaging industry, providing attendees with a firsthand look at the innovations shaping the future of

Matej Bračič Delivers Talk on Paper and Book Deacidification at the 49th International DITP Symposium
Our college Matej Bračič, a member of Laboratory for characterization and processing of polymer materials, attended 49. International DITP Symposium and gave a talk, entitled Deacidification of paper and books. This was a great venue for all interested in novel research in paper science and paper technology (https://lnkd.in/dhdYEQ5c). More information can be found at the website

Uspešno izvedena okrogla miza Dediščinska znanost in podnebne spremembe
Univerza v Mariboru je skupaj s Pokrajinskim muzejem organizirala okroglo mizo Dediščinska znanost in podnebne spremembe, katere namen je bil spodbuditi različne deležnike k povezovanju in izvajanju interdisciplinarnih raziskav, ki bodo prispevale odlične raziskovalne rezultate in inovacije na tem področju, hkrati pa izboljšati prenos znanja med raziskovalnimi organizacijami in javnimi organizacijami na področju dediščine. Zbrane

Madalina Elena Culica, Razvan Rotaru, Dana Bejan, Adina Coroaba, Tamilselvan Mohan, Sergiu Coseri